Black November, I want my Friday back. Is expanding the promotional period in November worth it?

One must ask the question with CPMs 5x more (in some cases) than September and October for advertisers and offers flooding our consumer feeds at a rate challenging to process mentally or financially in higher for longer economic times.

When the dust settles in the early days of December after Cyber Monday, I hope Black November has paid off. Competition on our favourite social platforms has been steep, and attention is in short supply.

Personally, I’m feeling a bit desensitised to the promotional noise in my feed and not even considering purchasing for myself or my business.

What about you?

I’d love to hear about your experience of Black November.

Did you advertise?
Did you buy before Black Friday?
Did you ignore it?

If you’re willing to share actual figures, please email me, I’d love to compile the data with what I already have and report on it.