HubSpot Free CRM

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve probably had it with spreadsheets. They’re difficult to keep updated, can’t manage customer relationships effectively, and are easy to break when shared across a team. So, what’s stopping you from switching over? Better the devil you know…

With a shortage of time and the cost of change on our minds, it’s challenging even to consider moving on. You may be reading this saying, “Actually, my pipeline and process on spreadsheets work pretty well.” To you, I would respond with two things:

  1. Thanks for being the second person to read this.
  2. You’re the perfect person to change to a FREE CRM because…

A healthy culture and established processes mean that you’re ready to gain even more efficiency in your sales and marketing, and there’s no cost barrier to entry.

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Don’t implement a new tool without the process

I see a lot of businesses jump the gun on this. They execute a new software trusting it will change the culture and process. However, Software won’t change the culture and only scales the benefits of established processes.

I’d recommend mapping your ideal processes first and then implementing the software with the process reducing fatigue in your team.

Hubspot Free CRM

Many businesses are turning to HubSpot’s free CRM. HubSpot offers a comprehensive free plan that includes all the features you need to improve customer relationships. This is not just about contact management. The free CRM offers features for the whole team, including:

  • Track and Analyze sales activity in real-time – dashboard fever
  • Unlimited users, data and up to 1,000,000 contacts – forever, ever
  • Track user activity and conversations, and simply create/automate task lists
  • Simple to use and incredibly well documented – Guided tours help you set up, import and use the Free Tool. I particularly enjoyed the cheeky guide for importing your contacts from Salesforce 😉
  • Easily integrates with existing tools. I particularly love the WordPress Plugin.

Where other free CRMs are almost featureless and time-limited, the HubSpot Free CRM is precisely the opposite and connects seamlessly to many other free HubSpot tools for Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and more – I’ll cover these at another time.

I highly recommend it as a digital tool for Small Businesses and enterprises. If you exhaust the Free features, pricing is flexible, and you can grow into the product as you grow.

Find out more about HubSpot’s FREE CRM directly

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